ZephInfo.org - Linux CLI Wallet: Basic Setup

Basic Setup Guide

Linux CLI Wallet: Basic Setup

Linux CLI Wallet

The guide explains how to download and set up Zephyr's command-line wallet on Linux. It walks through installing the software and syncing with the blockchain network.


Getting Started

Looking to run Zephyr on Linux? The command-line wallet is super straightforward to set up. Head over to the Zephyr GitHub releases page and grab the latest version (v2.0.1). You'll find it as zephyr-cli-linux-v2.0.1.zip.

The package comes with three main tools:
    zephyr-wallet-cli: This is what you'll use to manage your accounts and handle transactions
    zephyrd: This runs your node and handles all the blockchain stuff
    zephyr-wallet-rpc: This is mainly for exchanges, so we won't worry about it for now

Setting up

Here's the quick and easy way to get your Zephyr wallet set up on Ubuntu:

1. Open Terminal (Press Ctrl+Alt+T)

2. Download the ZIP file using wget:

wget https://github.com/ZephyrProtocol/zephyr/releases/download/v2.0.0/zephyr-cli-linux-v2.0.1.zip

3. Install unzip if you haven't already:

sudo apt-get install unzip

4. Extract the ZIP file:

unzip zephyr-cli-linux-v2.0.1.zip

5. The files will be extracted to the current directory. You can verify the contents using:

ls -la

6. Make the wallet executable (if needed):

chmod +x zephyr-wallet-cli

Now the Zephyr CLI wallet should be ready to use. You can verify the version using:

./zephyr-wallet-cli --version

Zephyr Daemon: First-Time Setup

Before you can start using your Zephyr wallet, you'll need to sync up with the blockchain. Here's how:


Heads up - this is going to take a while! The daemon needs to download the entire blockchain, which can take several hours depending on how fast your internet is. It's kind of like downloading a huge file - you'll need to be patient.

What's this zephyrd thing doing, you ask? It's pretty cool actually - it's your connection to the whole Zephyr network. It's busy doing a few important things:
    + Getting a copy of every transaction that's ever happened
    + Making sure all that data is legit
    + Helping pass transactions around the network
    + Storing all this info on your computer
    + Letting your wallet talk to the network

Think of it like your personal gateway to the Zephyr network. Once you start it up, you'll want to keep it running in the background while you use your wallet. This way, you know you're always dealing with verified, up-to-date information - no need to trust anyone else!

Just let it do its thing until you see messages about being connected to peers and reaching the current blockchain height. Then you're good to go!

2024-12-22 09:55:18.319 I **********************************************************************
2024-12-22 09:55:18.319 I You are now synchronized with the network. You may now start zephyr-wallet-cli.
2024-12-22 09:55:18.319 I 
2024-12-22 09:55:18.319 I Use the "help" command to see the list of available commands.
2024-12-22 09:55:18.319 I **********************************************************************

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